Work(s) within the fields of Communication and Publishing
A selection of works in publications, online communication and working in different (art) projects
Own publications
Eija Mäkivuoti: Missing the Mountains or Being the Children of the Sea or (Not) – A Multi-Method Arts-Based Research Investigation, Master’s Thesis for the Master’s Programme Nordic Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA), Aalto University, 2018. | Link to the thesis at Aalto.doc
Missing the Mountains or Being the Children of the Sea or (Not) – A Multi-Method Arts-Based Research Investigation, Master’s Thesis for the Master’s Programme Nordic Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA), Aalto University, 2018. I made also the book layout and design for the thesis. 12 copies were printed in total (PDF format via link).
Photo Books
Own publications or extensive participation
Eija Mäkivuoti: Birgit's Garden – My Wondrous Journeys to the Faroe Islands. Sprotin, 2015. | Link to the book’s project pages
Annika Tudeer: Att vara cool i barer - 10 år med Oblivia. Oblivia, 2010.
Annika Tudeer: Entertainment Island Book. Oblivia, 2010. Photos by Eija Mäkivuoti.
Editorial Work in a Print Magazine
I have been the editor as well as providing photos and texts
Tjaldur Tiðindi – The Christmas Issue (Editorial, Texts and Photos, Design and Layout, 2018) | Issuu-link
Tjaldur Tiðindi – Festival Issue (Editorial, Texts and Photos, Design and Layout, 2017) | Issuu-link
Tjaldur Tiðindi – 40th Year Anniversary Magazine (Editorial, Texts and Photos, Design and Layout, 2015) | Issuu-link
Website Co-Ordination / Social Media Specialist
Tjaldur – Finnish-Faroese Friendship Association, 2014–
Performance Company Oblivia, 2010–2014
Nordic Culture Point, 2007–2008, 2003–2006
Articles & Photo Reportage in Print Magazines
Written and/or photos taken by me
SVF-magasinet: Färöarna - Landet bortom havet (in Swedish, text and photos) / Issuu-link
Inferno #91, 2011: Ferðin til Heljar 2011 (in Finnish, photos and text)
Miasma #37, 1/2011: Jumala ei puhu fäärinkieltä (In FI, photos and text)
Naistutkimuslehti 3/2009: Tuska 2003-2007 (Our Story)
Articles and other texts | Published Online
Texts by me published in online media
NoVA Goes CAMP Online article for NoVA Website, 2017 / Link to Website
Kuukauden Bloggaaja - Kuvataiteilija Blogi (Suomen Taiteilijaseura), 2014 / Link to Post 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Art Exhibition Projects | Photo Documentation/Team Member/Assistant/Co-Ordinator
Partaking in art project work in different roles
Rethinking Nordic Colonialism – Exhibition Project in 5 Acts. Curated by Kuratorisk Aktion. NIFCA, 2006. View online
Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: An Exhibition Project in 5 Acts. Collage Design by Ninon Liotet. I was part of the project in many roles, one of them was to document the acts 2 (Nuuk. Greenland) & 4 (Sápmi, Rovaniemi, Finland) from where there are photos in this collage made by Ninon Liotet. © KURATORISK AKTION / NIFCA, 2006.
Assisting in Publications | Photo-editor/Co-Ordinator/Assistant
Partaking in publication work in different roles
Populism – The Catalogue. Editors: Lars Bang Larsen, Cristina Ricupero, Nicolaus Schafhausen. NIFCA – Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art. Lukas & Stenberg. New York, 2005. | Link to Publisher’s Page
Capital (It Fails Us Now). Critical Readers in Visual Cultures #7. Edited by Simon Sheikh. NIFCA Publication 29. Berlin: B-Books, 2006. | Link to Publisher’s Page
Rethinking Nordic Colonialism – Exhibition Project in 5 Acts. DVD Documentation Publication. Curated by Kuratorisk Aktion. NIFCA, 2006. | DVD at CAMP’s Shop | View online at
NIFCA Info-magazine. NIFCA – Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, 2003 – 2006.
Other publications
Mentions as an artist
Trans Barents Highway Symposium of Art. Jokela, Timo: The Project. 2010. | Link to the description of the book
International Dialogues about Visual Culture, Education and Art. Eds. Rachel Mason & Teresa Torres Pereira Eça. 2008. | Link to book
Photo documentation published
Photos taken by me published in books
The Twenty-First Century Performance Reader. Eds. Teresa Brayshaw, Anna Fenemore, Noel Witts. Routledge. 2019. | Link to book
Politics in a Glass Case: Feminism, Exhibition Cultures and Curatorial Transgressions. Eds. Angela Dimitrakaki & Lara Perry. 2013. | Link to book
Photos published in album art / DVD's (music)
Turmion Kätilöt: Mitä näitä nyt oli, Spinefarm Records (2012)
The Apocryphal Order, Tutl (2011)
SIC: Fighters They Bleed, Tutl (2010)
SIC: Si Vis Pacem - Para Bellum (Live), Tutl (2010)
NAZCA: Free for All DVD (2007)
End of You: Upside Down (2006)
Deathbound: To Cure The Sane With Insanity (2003)
Charon: Tearstained (2000)
Charon photographed at Haparanda railway station in 1999 for the album “Tearstained”, released in 2000. Photographed on 120 Ilford B/W negative film with Hasselblad 500C and printed in a colour dark room on Fuji colour paper that was then scanned for the album visuals. This is the colouring in the original C-print.
Promo photos | a selection
Svartmálm (2018)
Son of Fortune (2017)
Goresquad (2015)
Desolate Shrine (2015)
Hamferð (2012)
Ikuinen Vaiva (2011)
The Apocryphal Order (2011)
SIC (2010)