Book Launch Events on the Faroe Islands // July 2015
24 July 2015 // Book signing and event @ TUTL-shop, Tórshavn
As aftermath of the book launches my photo book Birgit's Garden (Havin hjá Birgit) the previous weeks at Reinsaríið and G! we are having a low key event at TUTL-shop upon their request.
Come and listen to some stories amidst the book making, to meet some of the persons portrayed in the book, e.g. Teitur E. Fossaberg and Eddie Jacobsen. Ísak Petersen will play some acoustic songs to his liking. We will also listen to Rasmus Rasmussen's album Edelweiss entwined with a slideshow of some of the photos from the book.
The photo book will of course be on display at the event and you will be able to purchase it for a special prize. Hope to see you there, and many thanks to the TUTL-shop for having me!
17 July 2015 // Book release @ G! Festival, Fjósid, Syðrugøta
I´m very happy to inform you that “Birgits Garden - Havin hjá Birgit” photo book will be making an appearance at the fantastic G! Festival in Syðrugøta!
The event will be quite similar to the one that was held in Reinsaríið in Tórshavn earlier but with different people participating and different music content. Sprotin will of course be on the spot, interviewing Niels Arge Galán and John Àki Egholm among others. The rock trio Jürghinn will play 2-3 tracks unplugged, for which I´m also thankful, and the lovely Mariann Hansen will read passages from the book.
The photo book will of course be on display at the event and you will be able to purchase it for a special prize. Hope to see you there, and many thanks to the G! Festival for having me!
In English:
In Faroese:
10. juli 2015 // @ Reinsaríið, Tórshavn
Havin hjá Birgit
Mínar undursomu ferðir til Føroyar
Myndábok hjá Eija Mäkivuoti
Nú er minni enn ein mánaður til mín listabók Havin hjá Birgit verður útgivin í Føroyum. Vit ætla okkum at hátíðarhalda hetta við at skipa fyri einum tiltakið í Tórshavn. Sprotin er vertur fyri tiltakinum og verður tað hildið í Reinsaríinum í Tórsgøtu 10. juli.
Hugskotið er at halda atmosferuna eitt sindur óformella hóast vit hava eina skrá at fara ígjøgnum. Ì skrivandi stund verður endaliga skráin løgd til rættis. Nøkur ting eru endalig; mín góði vinur Benjamin Petersen kemur at spæla eitt sindur av tónleiki, samrøður vera gjørdar á staðnum við innbodnum gestum, ein sjónleikari fer at lesa brot úr bókini, í stuttum haldi eg at skráin er spennandi.
Bókin verður sjálvandi eisini víst fram og verður eisini til sølu fyri ein serligan prís. Meira kunning kemur í næstum. Eg vóni at síggja tykkum har og vóni at vit fáa eina góða løtu saman.
Book launch // 10 July 2015 // @ Reinsaríið, Tórshavn
Birgit's Garden
My Wondrous Journeys to Faroe Islands
A Photo Book by Eija Mäkivuoti
June 2015
Less than a month now before my art book, Havin hjá Birgit, is being released on the Faroe Islands. To celebrate this, we´re going to have a launch event in the capital of Tórshavn. Sprotin will host the event, which will be held at Reinsaríið in Tórsgøta on 10th July.
The idea is to keep things a bit on the casual side with a laid back atmosphere. A final program for the event is being wrapped up as I write this. Some details are set in stone though. My dear friend Benjamin Petersen will play some music, there will be interesting interviews with guests, actors reading passages from the book, in short, a pretty exciting program if I may say so :)
The book will of course be on display as well and sold for a special price. More detailed information will be released shortly. Hope to see many people there.
© Eija Mäkivuoti: Birgit's Garden book cover, 2015.
My Wondrous Journeys to the Faroe Islands, Ihmeelliset matkani Färsaarille, Mina märkliga resor till Färöarna, Mínar undursomu ferðir til Føroyar
A Nordic photo book about the Faroe Islands by Eija Mäkivuoti.